So... I've only been using this app for a couple

So... I've only been using this app for a couple of days, and, already I've been msged by a female with a suspiciously, um, (cough)... alluring... profile pic, and that is most likely ¹actually a scammer, or ²a bot that is designed for similarly nefarious purposes.
Red flags, immediately. Persistently asking for my phone number. Couldn't answer simple questions, like 'what's your d.o.c.?'
Anyone else experiencing this?

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Oh yeah plenty sadly! Just report them and move on or toy with them that’s fun too! Scum bags trying to take advantage of real folks sharing real issues. There are also people that don’t realize it’s a sober dating site the design of the app needs work for sure. Just have to weed through the shit here and there! I think the intentions are good but I’m not a 100% convinced quit yet! Good luck

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Thanks for responding, Thom. And for the affirmation. I began to suspect that something was...not quite right... when 4 out of 5 users that, wanted to 'chat,' were attractive females, choosing... seductive-ish... poses for their profile pics. And newly joined. This was the first of that type that I actually interacted with, for a moment.
I agree with you, that it is sad, that these people are attempting to exploit the potential vulnerability of those who are seeking real help and real interaction, with others who, like themselves, are endeavoring to live in the solution to overcoming a very real and DEADLY disease/illness/condition...
Anyway, hope your day is exceptionally stellar!

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Thanks Jonathan yours as well! Stay with it and look for the real people there here too buddy!

The best term I’ve heard to describe them is “catfish” because they feed off the bottom :grimacing::woozy_face::man_shrugging:


I’ve gotten a few of those as well. Sucks when you’re just trying to meet people in recovery and there are scammers out there ruining it

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Same, joined two days ago and received friend invites from at least 8 obviously fake profiles​:frowning: Not sure what if anything can be done on admin side. Beware of invites from folks in "Ohio City, OH":laughing: Unfortunately there are just sucky people in the world who survive exploiting others during times of vulnerability.

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There is alot of this sadly. But there are people on here who genuinely want to help and meet people. Welcome to the community.


Yup Yup pretty disgusting :confused: but here for sober support just ignore the ugly unfortunately it is everywhere just proceed with gratitude and happiness :blush:

I didn’t realize that Loosid was a dating site??? I knew there was an area that you could select for that - but is that what this whole thing is about?

Yeah , I got those then they ask for your email and thats when it gets fishy, its messed up were here for Support..I just Ignore them..

Marie thats if you go to the Dating Side and sign up..

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I got so many the first week I joined but after a month i rarely get them now. Give it a few weeks. We are here for you!

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GOOD MORNING JONATHAN hope you are doing well :blush:

Good morning all- If you find an account that you feel is a bad actor please let us know at along with a screenshot of the bad content and user profile. We are very quick to review and remove. We want to make sure you have a safe and supportive environment.

Have a wonderful SOBER day :pray::heart:


I just stopped accepting friend requests. I can talk to you guys in this area