So, if there was one attribute one could have what

So, if there was one attribute in recovery one could have what would that be? Meaning a personality attribute? Or for that matter just in life!

The ability to cope with life in healthier ways, and more control over my tongue when I'm upset. So far, I'm doing alright! What about you?

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For me i think humility and the ability listen


Nail on the head!

Thom is right. An old-timer in one of my meetings likes to say that he's seen two types of people over the years, teachers and students. He says that it's always the students who stay sober long term.

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Great replies. I'd add cultivating gratitude. Especially early in recovery it felt like everything was about "giving up" big things while hard to see what was gained. Starting daily appreciation for small pleasures helped.


That’s a good one Josh, we indeed forget to be grateful focussing only on the struggle at hand and the grief we have caused ourselves in our battle with king addiction!

Hey Matt, I grew up in Michigan just below GR in the resort town of saugatuck was an idyllic childhood!

Oh ya, that's a nice town. That you got to grow up there makes me envious!

We used to go to GR to this big ass drive inn this was in like 71-72. Yes I’m old! Saugatuck has changed very gay now

Ya, it's well known for the gay community. Has been for years. It's a nice tourist town, I have visited it. And the drive in has been gone for years, although I am pretty sure there is one in Muskegon.