So I went out with a friend in the program

So I went out with a friend in the program last night to shoot pool, and we literally just drank Red Bull. That’s a spot I never thought I’d be able to overcome. Thank you my God​:heart::pray:t3:


So awesome that you have a friend to do that with! I’m struggling because all of my close friends and spouse drink. I don’t even feel like I can leave the house anymore for fear of temptation


Don’t doubt yourself. You can resist it because your sobriety matters to you!


Well, turns out he relapsed last night while I was asleep, and it hurts my hurt. All’s I can do is pray for him to seek help though

Oh no! That’s so sad. Hard to watch someone you care about falter.

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I'm happy for you.

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Thank you

Hello Rachel it’s ok to feel out of place when your with your friends it’s a normal reaction, now all my friends know that I’ve gotten sober they all know what I’ve been thru I can relax and be with them they drink I don’t they respect that and if they don’t then maybe their not the friend I thought they were people come and go in life it’s us we can’t get rid of so just be at peace with yourself it gets better I’m on my 8 th year and I’ve never been Happier

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