So I just found out today that my marriage is

So I just found out today that my marriage is likely over. I learned of my wife's unhappiness and affair with another about 2 years ago. She has seemingly kept the other man in her life. I only found this last fact out recently. This after nearly 2 years of trying to save the marriage on my part.

My wife has claimed sobriety during this entire period all the while she has been smoking marijuana.

My sobriety is so important to me and I find myself hurt by the belittlement of what true sobriety is by her.

I realize that true sobriety means different things to different people but I feel like all the work I have done can mean so little to some.

My sobriety is mine alone I know. But it still feels hurtful.

Thank for allowing me to vent a little. :smirk:


So sorry to hear about your marriage Scott. But life goes on. And you’re absolutely right sobriety means different things to different people. In the sobriety that you have is yours. Nobody in this world can take that from you. Just remember all that hard work that you put into it it’s all yours. I know it’s hurtful. I lost my wife three years ago. And it still hurts. At least you’re sober today to be able to feel The hurtful pain.

Vent all you want and all you have to. This is what we’re all here for to help one another to get through things without drinking. No

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:pray: prayers for you Scott

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I'm sorry about your marriage. My prayers are with you. Hang in there. Don't let your wife's actions determine your worth.


I am with you. Down the road, you will find happiness as I did!! She did you a big favor!!

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Scott, I hear your pain and I also hear your strength, I don’t know what your future is for your marriage but it sounds like you are headed in the right direction and hold on to that with all you have…….

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Hang in there, my marriage fell apart because of my addiction, and resulted in her leaving me for another guy. Be strong for yourself!

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I found out my marrige was over the first time i called her from my second treatment center that year. she just decided that she couldnt handle the process of my recovery journy. i sensed something in the way she talked to me. then when i flew home i asked her for a ride from the airport. when she told me on the ride home that she wanted a divorce.... i went on auto -pilot and next thing i was heading to the liqour store and i relapsed... i checked my self into my last treatment center and things were going good but i was severely clinically depressed and sliped witch i got sober again and my Nurse Practitioner changed my meds around and since then i have come to accept the reality of my divorce. Thanks to AA and meds. Now im on good terms with my ex wife. sometimes people are temporary; they were put into our lives to show us something we didnt know about our selfs. you will meet someone in sobriety who can join you in your sobriety!!

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I entered the program to save a marriage. I had to realize that I had to be sober for ME. I need to be focused on sobriety first. HP will take care of me as long as I put sobriety first.

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I absolutely agree Gabe. I made the decision to get sober for me first and foremost. If the one of the byproducts of my sobriety is remaining married, all the better. I'm still not sure what will happen to my marriage but I am sober. Without sobriety, I have nothing anyway.