So I had 51 days clean, going to about 5

So I had 51 days clean, going to about 5 meetings a day, did a program called cross roads in Reno Nevada. Recently I relapsed, started drinking and feeling depressed with my situation and now I’m very disappointed in myself

Get back in the saddle. You can make it.

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I’m hard at work with this organization called S.P.A.R.C (STOP POVERTY AGAINST R CHILDREN) went to downtown Reno last night to tent city and did a video. It takes up most of my time but it’s rewarding, besides that I have a lot of personal issues and when I’m not helping the homeless I’m in a dark place. But I can get back on track

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It’s okay. You did not erase all those good sober days! Forgive yourself and move on

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Don’t be! It takes what it takes. It took me several times until I was done! You still have the knowledge, just get back into action.


I’m back on track now, it’s been almost two weeks that I’ve been sober. I almost forgot how good it feels to live a normal life. Today is Saturday and I’m on my way to work, but I’m ok with it. I now have a good job and being responsible. In my addiction I could and would not do the responsible things that I’m doing right now. So for those who try and try over again. Remember “ it’s ok” to fail, as long as you don’t allow failure to break you, failure is a lesson. We learn and move on, forward progress