many of you guys have had to cut ties many of you guys have had to cut ties with a parent or loved one. Just to keep your mental health in check?

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Dude, I walked away from a 13 year relationship with my fiancée. It was heartbreaking for both of us but it was the right choice... for mental, emotional, and of course, for physical health. We were not good for each other.. After talking to friends, family, & counselors at detox/rehab, I realized she was a huge trigger and everybody told me she was "toxic." Even though I defended her & will always love her, I know it's true & had to walk away, move out, & even block her on my cell. Since then I have talked to her but kept it limited, wish her the best, and have ultimately cut ties. The dynamics may be different w a parent but the choice to keep your distance or cut ties may be the best!

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Im guessing its part of the process. Learning what is unhealthy and leaving it behind.

It is a hard lesson but it is a good one to learn early.

Indeed. Learning what's unhealthy is a huge part of recovery. :+1:And sometimes the best choice is the hardest to make, such as leaving certain things behind. We gotta move forward. Keep it going man :muscle:

The regular thinking about cutting ties since I’ve been sober is really hard on me.

I have cut ties befor and made the mistake of trying to mend them. I have to remember that i must put myself first.

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I had to cut my mom out of my life. She's toxic, and I'm just now beginning to work on all the trauma I endured as a child.

Putting the cap on the bottle is only the beginning. We can't see it in the beginning but there is a fog around us and we really don't have a clear picture. The longer we are sober, we will notice that fog dissipating. As the fog is lifted the reality of our life is revealed.

We realize after a while that there's a whole world out there waiting for us and we have many choices and opportunities. We realize that the choices we made during our intoxication days we're very poor choices. This is why I tell people to stay out of relationships in the beginning until you get some clarity in your life.

One of the fallacies for us human beings is our seemingly inability to understand that we are going to change. We seem to think that whatever we feel, whatever we believe, however we see things right now will never change.

Sometimes we have to let go of people in order to grow. Sometimes holding on to people inhibits our growth. And you're right. Some people are not good choices for us. Enjoy the journey of discovering yourself.