Small 🤏 or big❗wins

That's wonderful :clap:! Earning trust back can be difficult but you are so right it helps so much in retaining sanity :blush:

This is definitely a blessing and something to be proud of!

Congratulations on your new business :clap:. That is exciting. I understand what you mean by seeing clearly. I see how many things I under appreciated before

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Thank you, I see how much my ex lied & cheated.

Homeschooling my daughter ANd maintaining sobriety through the pandemic - they even bumped her up a grade!

Wow!!! That's a great thing to hear! Good for both her and you :grinning:

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Just doing things around my house both big and small. It is amazing how much cleaning, organizing, and home improvements I've gotten done since getting sober
Now my house has become a constant reminder on how much better life is when sober.

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I've noticed I am significantly more organized and actually care about taking care of what I have as well. That's awesome to think about it as a reminder :+1:. I'll try to remember to do the same.