Slipped after over 4 years

A woman in my home group slipped after over 4 years clean and sober. Sobriety needs to be on team no days off, because addiction sure is.


Geez that's scary and terrible news. I feel for her. You're right - every day - no breaks. Did you slip also?

Absolutely! I relapsed shortly after 10 years sober

Hi David, if you are willing, how did that unfold? Do you feel it just happened or a process? I don't mean to be disrespectful. You hold valuable information that could prove useful to many of us.

Yeah it was definitely a process over several years. Today I’m shocked I made it that long. The first several years I worked a solid program and put recovery first. Worked all 12 steps thoroughly and honestly. Didn’t leave anything out. Made every amends. Did a lot of service work and sponsored guys. Then life got really great and busy with work and a girlfriend who later became my wife. I had zero desire to drink or use after the first year. So after several years started to slowly get away from the things that got and kept me sober like prayer and meditation, meetings, and service work. It was a pretty slow process. Started chasing money and success, and I thought since I wasn’t doing AA as much and had no desire to drink that I was good. Started taking shortcuts and questionable decisions at work to make more money. Then at 8 years sober had a tragic event happen in my family and I went downhill from there and didn’t get back to AA but did a lot of different therapy and anti depressants. Eventually I burned my life down sober to where it only made sense to pick up a drink to get some relief. So for me I can get just as bad sober as I can drunk or high if I’m not working a program


Good morning folks, thank you for sharing your stories. I appreciate your honesty and thankfully you are back. Have a great day!

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Thank you dearly for sharing. I too, have gotten complacent in my sobriety. Looking back, I think it happens ever so slowly, over time. And I don't think I've noticed, until as of late, the shortcuts taken (mostly excuses made) for not making my recovery number one... which can create quite the slippery slope!! I will NEVER forget what you've shared! Thank you! You're an Inspiration!