She Starts Again

After 2 and a half years of not self-harming I relapsed. I was more disappointed by the lack of satisfaction it brought me as opposed to my actions. I didn't think it would be inevitable before I did it again, I honestly thought I was done. I was...I am. I thought I could distract myself with pain like I did in the old days but apparently I'm not the same. I have to put in the work, I have to change because I will not continue on pretending to be Ok. I'm not chasing after happiness anymore because it's a white rabbit leading people down a never ending dark hole. So instead I will seek after wholeness, peace of mind and the Most High. I need help and I'm no longer too ashamed to ask for it…everybody has their own issues, I'm just having a hard time dealing with mine, for now, I hope.


What you seek is seeking you. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey, girlie. I'm here if you ever need to talk. Let me know what you need help with and I'll try to help.

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I believe that, thanks!

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I appreciate that, thank you!

Hey if you need a friend I can be that friend for you.

This was a really brave post to share. I appreciate your courage and honesty. Granted, you had a lapse, there is an overarching theme of hope in your message and I find that pretty amazing :pray:t3:

I'd probably be a pretty draining friend at the moment. Hopefully the offer still stands when I'm in a better headspace.

Thank you.

Yea, it wasn't originally. I edited the post after posting. But thank you, I don't want to try to be better I just want to be better.

Are you on IG? i have found lots of supportive spaces on there. Let me know if you’d like me to link a few

I deleted it a couple months ago for Mental health reasons. But I've been thinking about joining again I need to follow the right pages this time around.

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I completely understand. ive had to create very strict boundaries around social media in order to maintain my own mental health (unfollowing Triggering accounts, setting up an OOF message on IG, limiting the ways in which ppl can contact me on there). I’m still working my way around the whole thing. If and when you feel like it’s the right time to go back on, let me know so we can connect :purple_heart:

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Will do.

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It may seem really hard, but just keep on keeping on

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