She asked me “will I ever be able to love again?”

A friend of mine told me tonight of her 27 year marriage that ended in severe pain and how her ex husband had done “really bad things”.

After the divorce she hated men and thought she’d never love again.

Then it happened: a man came into her life and for the next five years, on and off, they loved, they fought, he lied, she forgave, repeat, repeat and it ended…in severe pain…again.

“Charlie, how can I ever love again….I have walls…when I sense feelings or expectations I end it and run. No one has ever broken up with me…I always leave and I feel like I may never be able to love again”.

I know this woman pretty well and she’s not desperate…she successful, independent and happy. But, like many of us, she’s wounded and wants to heal.

I felt the need to send her a text after we talked on the phone and I had no idea my text would have such an impact on her. Isn’t it amazing when you say something, as a human, and God says “I’ll deliver this one” and speaks it to the receiver and it becomes divine?

She texted back “I hope you don’t mind but I shared your beautiful words on Social Media”

This is a picture of her post…in case it also speaks to any of us.

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