Serious problem

Hey anybody and everybody, I have a very real drinking proble.. I can’t seem to kick it. I wake up every Morning feeling like I need it first thing. Anything that I do day in and day out I feel like I need it. and I’m not here for a pity party. I guess I’m just here to say it out loud to someone. Idk where to go from that.


I had those exact feelings for over a decade. The last couple years I just gave in to it. I was always drinking and just figured I'd be a drunk forever. But one day after going to aa for 9 months I decided to stop trying to do it alone cuz it wasnt working and asked for help. I got it, started working on myself with a sponsor and have been happily sober ever since. When you're sick and tired of being sick and tired and ask for help it comes, and then you can start the journey into a new way of living. Good luck, I'm here if you ever need to talk.

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Hey, Levi. Thanks for sharing this with us. It sounds like you need a detox. If I'm not mistaken that takes about 3 days. You can view the listing of available detox centers by tapping the lifesaver icon.

I also recommend you find a sponsor. Attend an AA meeting and ask for a sponsor. Attend meetings. Be of service.

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Well, admitting this problem is a big one, ot is the first step. Now the question is, are you going to take action? There is no right answer belive it or not. You have to define for yourself whether there are things that you would like to turn out differently than they have before.

I applaud and appreciate your courage to share. Good for YOU!! Admitting we have a problem is the first step toward recovery. It's a big one, too. You are not alone! I also had hese feelings. They are so normal. I still do sometimes.

Please get to online meetings or in-person meetings if you can and keep talking to us. Find a sponsor and get other phone numbers. If you have a Big Book, read it. I love the stories. Pleasw find a sponsor at a Big Book meeting. Someone who can work the steps with you.

You don't have to suffer anymore.

I went to American Addiction Center in Lafayette, NJ. There are others throughout the USA. I was very happy there.

I don't like the AA message. First, I don't believe in god. Second, I am completely unwilling to apologize to anyone for anything that I have done while intoxicated. But, then again, I am still a super huge alcoholic. Tried to get help here, but received nothing!

My brother died in 2012 from alcohol withdrawal at 23yrs old. :pensive:

If you have physical withdrawal symptoms, it can save your life & promote your recovery to seek medical assistance. :hospital:

If you are not physically addicted it could save you’re life to get away from your fixation ASAP. :grin: :+1:

always here to support you no matter what path you take to recovery! :innocent: :pray:

Man, at least you are admitting a problem.

Next step is decide on what you want to do about. AA does not necessarily have to include the Christian God. Alooks there are a lot of non AA support groups: Refuge, Smart recovery that do not mention God.

Good luck !!

Oh, and yes alcohol withdrawal can be very dangerous. A medical detox will help to withdraw in a safe manner. Plus a few days to give the body and mind a rest is sometimes a good thing, and a lot of detox centers will help set you up with longer term care