Seeking a female sponsor. I am in residential now but

Seeking a female sponsor. I have been battling alcohol for around 10 years now. I have always had an easier time opening up to women. Therapists, counselors, psychiatrists etc. I am in residential now but trying to get prepared for when I leave.


Camden, have meetings where you’re at opened up yet?

I’m not sure, I’m still in residential.

What state are you in?

New Mexico

My suggestion would be as soon as you get out go to women’s meetings, when you do, listen and when you see and hear that women and you want what she has and you see her walking her talk, then ask her to take you through the steps, if she declines don’t give up all that means is that she not the person for you and don’t give up…’re life depends on it.

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Thank you.

I’m in California

Camden, what an idiot I am, I miss read your original post, I think that a male wanting a female sponsor is not out of the question, how ever that is more old school so I think you would need check out quite a few meetings and maybe raise your hand and share you are looking for a female sponsor.

Yes, I understand.

Hope you’re doing well today, Hope in recovery means, Hang On Pain Ends…….

Thank you! I am doing as good as I can.

Have you started getting phone list and numbers of other alcoholics?, also what helped me so much was getting involved with H & I work, which is going to hospitals and institutions and sharing your experience, strength and hope, if you’re sober 1 day you do have something to offer.