Scared my relationship will not make it if I’m the

Scared my relationship will not make it if I’m the only one getting sober


Your on point , keep it real , to thy on self be true


True , you need to work on yourself, you Can't change your partner , they need to be willing to change themselves as well..

It probably will not, in my experience one partner in recovery and the other active goes one way or the other. Either both using or both in recovery. Be true to yourself. You have a big discussion with life consequences ahead of you.

You already know


I’m scared, too. Getting sober is still the right choice for me...I can’t keep killing myself with alcohol in order to preserve my codependent drunk relationship. But the scariness of getting sober alone is overwhelming much of the time.

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What is your take on the situation though. Is it enough to stop you? And if no then just take life as it comes, whatever happens happens. I would ONLY be worried if you’re going to use anything he does as an excuse disguised as a reason to pick up

Jessica and art , sometimes in life we need to be selfish , and this is the time . Its a time we need to think and work on ourselves ..there's never a promise that you will be with that partner for ever or you may be .. But its your life , If your Not Happy well its up to you ,but just a reminder you can't change someone who doesn't want to be change..

I hear u.

Yes getting sober alone is tough and scary. I’ve been trying for over a year. I’ll get a couple days, go to some meetings then drink again cause I’m bored. Stopped drinking when I let a girl who I was talking to move in with me when she relapsed on meth. We were sober til she relapsed after 6 months reluctantly let her back then again 2 months later. She was out after that. It was so easy with her there not to drink, but one month after I kicked her out I started drinking again HARD

It may make it but your partner will have to accept your sobriety and help you with it. It requires they give a little so you can be healthy. Kinda like if my wife is allergic to coffee and I am not. I do not cook coffee around her.