Sam here ... I’m 590 days sober from alcohol

Sam here ... I’m 590 days sober from alcohol ... CT based ... I’m here if you need me


Hey Sam, currently caught in a whirlpool. I’m having a hard time letting go of my marriage. We both got sober together 5 years ago and just had a baby 4 months ago. We have been separated for 3, our baby was in the hospital for 3 weeks.
I wish I could let go. But I can’t.

I been in that pool .... trust me

It gets easier . Take the situations as they come don’t worry about past or future the present is all you can be in and do anything about !!!

I’ve been separated for 6+years divorced for going on 3 kids 10 and 6 ... my ex husband will always be a part of my life you just have to set new boundaries and focus on the kids and YOURSELF you come first !!!

It’s hard to be selfish w/ a new born. She had surgery to her spine , thank god everything will be ok, unfortunately I don’t think our marriage will survive. We were so happy once she was born. And so happy to have a family. My wife called me a dry drunk. I’m starting to think it’s true. In a situation when there was no control everyone involved wanted to control everyone. Including my in laws.

The worst part is I was so proud and full of joy when our daughter was born. B/c she took the baby I don’t feel that same joy, I feel terrible and want to give up. I want to give them both up.

I don’t want any of this. I want them to come home. Thank god I haven’t relapsed. I think the better part of me knows it would make it worse. I’m having a hard time letting go of something that I never even had. My family

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You don’t have to let go just the dynamic of what you thought was going to be is different ... I understand fully . Don’t be so hard on your self or her . Cherish your baby and take what time you can I understand the newborn thing not much for dad to do .. but don’t give up at least not on your kid or yourself .. neither of you deserve to kiss out on being a dad or having a dad

Try marriage counseling, wont hurt.

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someone who specializes with drugs and alcohol

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Congrats :tada:

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Congratulations Sam and thanks for sharing your support and experience with others

Thank you

I’m one message away if anyone needs me

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