Sad holiday weekend

I feel the same.. I was really depressed this weekend.. Monday is a new day..

Never alone. If you go to a meeting you’ll see that they’re are many people like us.

The lost child of ,was that my birthday, or just another day, never think your not important, your a child of God very important. Watch out for deep pot holes in the road of life, your character defects stem from neglect and bad comuication from your parents , use the steps to change that thinking if you can.

All normal challenges in early sobriety. I know you may not believe this but down the road your life is going to be very different and you are going to have different friends and no longer be faced with this challenge. The only thing that we have to change when we come into the program is everything. You can't hang out with those kind of people anymore because sooner or later you are going to stumble. There is plenty of data to back that up. These people in Alcoholics Anonymous don't have to be your permanent friends but it is certainly a good way to start. It's going to take some time to create your new life outside of alcohol.

I first got sober in 2002 and I don't even know any of the people that I used to hang out with back then. So many changes have happened in my life. Good changes too. When we stop wasting our time partying we find that we have more time to devote to other things like a hobby. This is one way to sure meet people that have something in common with you. If you're in early sobriety you really need to concentrate on your recovery whether it's through AA meetings or whatever program you choose.

Want to try something exciting? Go to a local airport (call first) and schedule a discovery flight. You can go up with a flight instructor. You can take the controls and see what it's like to fly an airplane. Who knows? Maybe you will change careers. It's a great rewarding future and there is a big pilot shortage.

Sobriety = Freedom to live

Also, you have complete control over who you decide to date. Don't meet people in bars. It's a dead end. Acquire a hobby and find people who are winners demonstrated by where they hang out and with whom they hang out. There was a time when I couldn't understand how normal people could live one day after the next without picking up a drink or hanging out in bars. It didn't take me too long to find out that there's a whole life out there to be lived outside of the bar and party scene.

That is soooo true. I know people are skeptical about MA beer but it does everything for me that beer did minus the humiliating next day.

Oh wow , I know exactly what your going thru, that's until I let go of all my old friends, and started adventuring with New Sober ones.. Its Different but very positive..

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Completely understand Amanda. My two best friends since college are heavy drinkers and when I decided to quit and find sobriety last week I got glares and well, ok fine kind of responses. You do find out who your true friends are when you start this journey which is sad. I understand what you mean by feeling alone. For what it’s worth - you’re not. I like many others in this community are finding happiness day by day. Its a tough road. You are NOT alone. I may be a stranger like all of us on this site - but we’re with you and I think I speak for all of us - reach out whenever you feel sad or struggle in this journey. Hang in there - tons of hugs. Ryan

Completely understand Amanda. My two best friends since college are heavy drinkers and when I decided to quit and find sobriety last week I got glares and well, ok fine kind of responses. You do find out who your true friends are when you start this journey which is sad. I understand what you mean by feeling alone. For what it’s worth - you’re not. I like many others in this community are finding happiness day by day. Its a tough road. You are NOT alone. I may be a stranger like all of us on this site - but we’re with you and I think I speak for all of us - reach out whenever you feel sad or struggle in this journey. Hugs

I feel you 100% on that... all the girls I date just wanna drink or go club .... it’s super depressing sometimes :expressionless: I see we live pretty close and maybe we could grab a bite to eat sometime:) I sent you a friend request, go ahead and DM me

Your not alone. Depression hits us hard in recovery. I’m watching my best friend drink himself to death.

I totally feel the same. Everyone supports my sobriety but is no where to be found on the weekends. Pool parties and boating is no place for a sober person according to drinkers. I’m kinda pist as well!!! Why do I feel like my life is over with drinking and without drinking?!?!?:pensive: