
Really love doing hard core cardio workouts. Running is a passion that keeps me thinking clearly and helps me remain sober. Prefer running outdoors, but the lovely weather Cleveland Ohio has been experiencing lately forces me to hit up PF. Anyone else into cardio? And if so, does it help you?


7 miles! Get it! :clap:t3: I love my cardio, too - it’s very therapeutic for me. I also prefer running outdoors, but I’m in Seattle and the cold/rain prevents me from doing so. I go to a little gym down the street from my and run, do the elliptical and rowing machine. I usually stop at around 5 miles, but maybe I can push myself farther today :muscle:t3:

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I love just zoning out while running and getting lost in whatever music I’m listening to. Running by the mountains/water when it’s nice out is the best.. makes my life and problems seem so small in the grand scheme of things.

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It isn't that heart disease and diabetes runns in my that nobody runs in my family. Kidding. Get yalls run on.

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I'm more of a walker instead of runner. Leg presses and strength exercises are my favorites currently.

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I can totally relate

I do my cardio inside also, Northern Illinois winters....

Sh*t I'm in North east Ohio so the winters here are basically the same as yours in northern Illinois. Winter seems to start in mid November and go through mid April practically. Dressing in layers is key when outside :sunglasses:

Heck yeah I wish this pandemic would end. I miss running

I really REALLY dislike cardio. However, in the rare occasion that I do it, I feel fantasitc after the fact. I’ve been trying to think of ways to trick myself into finding a form of it I do like lol