Rough Week

I'm almost 3 months sober, but the last week has been the toughest yet. I'm looking to chat with some people further along in their sobriety journey. Hope is wearing thin and I'm sure there are many folks here with amazing insight.

Get into a program of recovery. Find the woman with the most sobriety. Ask her to be your sponsor.

That’s my advice. Congratulations on 3 months. Fantastic success!!

Thanks so much! I've been trying to find groups outside of AA just to see what else is out there, but haven't had much luck. Keeping up on therapy in the meantime, but sometimes it isn't enough, for sure.

I’m a 12 stepper. It saved my life. I wholeheartedly recommend aa but I understand the desire to look at all the options.

Just don’t drink while you’re exploring your options!!

I went to my doctor and asked to be put on Antabuse. That day changed my life forever. Just celebrated 5 years.

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For me it’s all about connection to my higher power. Jesus works for me!
(I’m not creative enough to create my own HP, nor have I the time to reinvent a perfectly balanced wheel). I have enough work on my hands doing the daily activities that keep me committed to my recovery. Keeping those commitments has rebuilt my self esteem. I once confused confidence with self-esteem. I’m very confident in my abilities of what I do. I hated who I was. I had no self-esteem or self-worth.
Staying committed to working my dailies and staying in the Spirit has blessed me incredibly in my sobriety... I will have 90 days on 7/11 and I’ve never experienced such serenity and peace in my 53 years on the planet! May you be blessed in your recovery!