Rough night

Things with my wife have been going downhill for a while now. I think they have finally hit rock bottom. She wants me to start looking for my own place and to think about starting divorce process. I knew this was probably going to be the outcome but have been in denial for a long time. Really down right now. On the plus side, I have no wish to drink... so I will go to bed with a clear head and face this in the morning. Positive thoughts appreciated.


Are you both able and willing to try some marriage counseling?
How long have you been sober? If you haven't taken the steps of Alcoholics Anonymous I highly recommend that you get a sponsor and give it a try. If you're simply just not drinking or using but don't have a plan of recovery it is a great recipe for failure. Sobriety is most definitely the easier softer way but it does take time. I wouldn't get into any arguments with your wife about anything. You might try moving out for a while and continue to get into the program of Alcoholics Anonymous. Maybe your wife will see a change after a while. I know that it's also very important not to put expectations on the outcomes. There are many promises in sobriety but there is no promise that marriages will survive.

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There's also a chapter in The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous called "The Family Afterward." You might think about reading it and see if that gives you some better perspective. Alcohol abuse affects the entire family.

Been doing couples counseling for almost a year. I've been sober for 1.3 years. I've changed alot since getting sober. She just doesn't want to be with that person.

Hang in there, Bryan. Sucks facing harsh realities like what you're talking about. There's no qay to sugar coat it except to hold your head high and know you gave it your all.

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Sorry brotha, I feel your pain. I went through a similar situation about three years back. Everyone can toss out their two cents on the subject but at the end of the day this is your journey to be had and like most things in life it is going to be rough and tough but you can make it. Diamonds are made under heat and pressure, shine brite sir!! :gem::gem:

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Thanks... I'll make it. Just really sucks right now.

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I'm not going to lie to you. You are in good company. Sobriety is a great way of life and it is definitely the easier softer way but there is no guarantee that the marriage will recover. When we get sober and take the 12 steps, we simply become different people all the way around. Unfortunately, we sometimes find out that we and our spouses are not a good fit after all. Don't get me wrong. I'm an advocate of the vows we take when we get married; for better or for worse. I'm a recovering alcoholic and my job is not to play marriage counselor. But I will tell you that regardless of what happens, your life is going to continue getting better as long as you don't pick up that first drink.
I've also known people who got separated from their spouse and after a while their spouse and they wanted them back because they liked what they were seeing. Sometimes spouses need time to heal too. All said, no promises. This might be a good time in your life to write out a gratitude list. You should make a list of everything that you are thankful for in your life. You're not locked up in prison. There are people that are locked up in prison right now because they crossed the line and made a bad decision.