Rough night sleeping since I didn't have the help of

Rough night sleeping since I didn't have the help of alcohol... What can I do?

I was a chronic insomniac years ago. I had it explained as sleep hygiene. I’m on meds but holistically here’s a few ideas.

  • take long walks
  • avoid sugar and caffeine after noon.
    -take hot bath at bedtime
    -avoid disturbing thoughts and/or people close to bedtime or forever.
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Melatonin gummies

The last suggestion is the best one.

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Thanks all.

My dr put me on trazodone. It’s a mild antidepressant that knocks you out. I took it for 3 months while I established a sleep routine without alcohol. Now I occasionally take melatonin but usually have no problem sleeping. If anything I now have a hard time staying awake!

Try "Tracks to relax" or "Calm" apps

Limit electronics an hr before bed including TV. Due something relaxing during that hr before bed such as reading or warm bath with lavender epsom salt. Other suggestions that help me are aahwaghanda, magnesium powder supplement, and guided meditation for sleep which you can find on YouTube or Spotify. Journaling has helped some of my clients in order to get out all their thoughts and reflections for the day or gratitude journaling

Try benadryl and melatonin

Strange alcohol always had the opposite effect on me. It like lit my brain up so I couldn’t sleep. It was like an upper to me. I know weird. I’d have to drink to blackout/passout to fall asleep on alcohol.