Road to Sobriety

Did you:

Quit cold turkey :turkey:

Go to meetings :chair:

Go to treatment center :hospital::love_hotel:

Get a sponsor :bearded_person::bearded_person:t5::woman:t2:

I sobered up in the county drunk tank. Nearly lost my job cause of it. Went to the nearest AA as soon as I got out.

Been to rehabs,drank myself in the er.
2014 woke up going through withdrawal,said God take em away,I'll get back in Church,and AA.
6+ years later..

Rehab then AA program the best way was for me

I woke up in a jail cell due to a dwi and that really sobered me up. Still dealing with the consequences but I'm grateful to be alive and sober now because I had to change my life

Detox than rehab than AA

I have tried many things, what worked best for me was the right treatment and NA. 2+ years

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What was the right treatment?