Right now, you're holding a phone. Where do you see the

Right now, you're holding a phone.

Where do you see the phone?

Use your finger and point to where you see it.

Do you think the image is outside you?

Think again.

Do you remember how it works?

The light is falling upon the phone, reflecting, going into the lens of your eyes, and projected as an inverted image on your retina — you know the whole story.

So, you're actually seeing the phone within yourself.

Where do you see the whole world?

Again, within yourself.

Everything that ever happened to you, you experienced within you.

Light and darkness, pain and pleasure, agony and ecstasy — all of it happened within you.

If someone touches your hand right now, you may think you're experiencing their hand, but the fact of the matter is you're only experiencing the sensations in your own hand.

The whole experience is contained within.

All human experience is 100% self-created.

This is the fundamental shift in understanding that has to happen.

Don't look for a way out of misery.

Don't look for a way out of suffering.

There's only one way out... and that's in.


:exploding_head: :relaxed:

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Omg that emoji doesn't look the same when I send it lol damn


Haha :laughing: