Represented by

If your personality was represented by a NA drink? What would it be and why?

I'd say (hot) cocoa. I love it cold. So it's a refreshing beverage on a hot day. People tell me that my personality is refreshing, and my hands are cold. :cold_face: I also have a warm heart (so I hear) and I enjoy cocoa hot/warm. (Hot) cocoa describes my personality.

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Mountain Dew, because I don't get much sleep.

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Oh no. Why don't you sleep much?

Ginger Ale


Any dark roast coffee with half n half and honey. Warm, sweet, comforting. Nuanced, yet familiar. Stimulating, while also inspiring calm.

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School and work. I take on more than I should, which is on my list of character defects.

Homemade almond milk with dates. Because I'm vegan and my wife says I'm sweet. LOL

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Iced coffee. A little bit bitter. A little bit nutty. But I get people going and Iā€™m enjoyed by most people who really give me a try.

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I like that

Me, too. I don't feel as bad now. 2 years ago I worked full-time, was a student in a full-time graduate program, while planning a wedding.

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I love almond milk. :yum: How do you make it?

I'm nutty, too.

I place a cup of almonds in water overnight. Next morning rinse. Place almonds in blender with 3 to 4 cups of water. Also about 6 or 8 almonds to sweeten to your preference. Vanilla is optional too.
Blend well. It will turn white.
Strain into a bowl using a cheesecloth. Pour into a container and enjoy.

The almond milk you see over the counter is not pure almond milk because it has too many additives that are most unhealthy. You should use the almond milk within about three or four days because it will spoil. You should also keep it refrigerated.


I'm dark coffee no sugar no cream

Energy plus BCAAs , why ? Glad you asked , full of life & always willing to support other.