Relapses: In my opinion, society is reducing the stigma of

Relapses: In my opinion, society is reducing the stigma of addiction... but it feels that once an addict is in recovery, they immediately change their life and have no setbacks. I am so down on myself for my relapses. I’m hoping to hear from others on how many relapses you’ve experienced so I know I’m not alone with them.


I've had a relapse that lasted about a week after 4 months of being clean. It was tough but i'm trying to stay positive and use it to learn from. Now 3 weeks later i'm ok with it because it showed me how bad i'll be triggered by something i wasn't even aware of.

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Thanks for sharing. I suppose as long as we learn from a relapse, it makes the pill of reality of starting over easier to swallow.


A step backward is still part of the journey

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I struggled for seven years but now have nearly 2 years sober




Relapsing once starting recovery is actually more common. It is just part of the process and should be taken as a learning opportunity. You can learn more about your triggers and cope with them better. Just keep trying. As long as you are walking in the right direction you'll get where you are trying go…


I have relapsed many times. Untill now my largest Sobriety time is 3 years on Feb 6th. Every relapse is not a lost. But a gain of STRENGTH, to know how to maintain it better for the next try, until you finally get it. The only strategy I know how to beat this is:

NOT GIVING UP!!!!! :pray:t2:

Just don't give up. Even if u relapse again, don't stay down…don't feel sorry. Get up.and try again. You Got This.

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happy early sobriety birthday!

Perhaps, try to find support with people who don't demonize slips and relapses, and, rather, understand that its part of the learning process, like learning to ride a bike. This is one big reason I advocate SMART recovery methodolog over modern day 12step fellowship mentality with relapses and the time-based hierarchy…. A dear friend of mine passed away who couldn't deal with that and wasn't aware of alternatives thst could have helped him better. Thankfully, there are different options these days to deal with substance dependency


I haven't had a relapse in my 29 years but I have done everything else wrong. But I am sober today and everything else can be fixed. No need to compare yourself to others. We all have today and that's it. Keep it today.

Oh man, this is such an important topic. First, I agree that the stigma about addiction is lessening more and more. But I’d also agree that there is still this belief that once someone gets sober, no mistakes will be made. Statically, that is completely false. MOST people relapse! I certainly did. And ya know what? My recovery is stronger because of my relapses and slips. Each of them was another lesson for me. Just remember, you’re not alone here and there is no shame in “falling forward” - the important thing is that you get back up.

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