Relapsed two days ago after going to a rehab center

Relapsed 4 days ago after going to a rehab center for a month. Now sober two days again but feeling terrible.

Hey Skyler, Took me 2 times in rehab. Guilt will keep you drunk. You are trying. Remember that. Stay in today. I hated meetings but they help you realize there is a lot of us out there. Keep trying. Don’t give up.

I’m trying to get clean so I can’t preach to you what to do because I don’t even know what I’m doing lol, but you know the feeling is only temporary and you have to push through it , that’s what I’m trying to do

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I’ve been to rehab more times than I would like to say. Relapses happen. But just let it go, give yourself some props for being able to stop when you did so. Your strong, you got this shit.

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Don't give up on yourself!!

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Thats a correct feeling! The old timers I got sober and clean with saved my life! They told me the truth. Maybe you need a reality check instead of a pat on the back. Playing Russian rulet with this program will get you three things: jails institutions and death.

Don't give up, but you have some deciding to do. Either commit to sobriety or not, choice is yours. I am here to support you with sobriety. Good luck and good choosing.


Don’t beat yourself up. Take the relapse as a learning experience then use it to help you move on.

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It happens ODAAT

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It’s not a big deal. You were clean for a month or more? That’s progress. Focus on that and not the slip up.


Thanks I appreciate that! Just hit me hard after 30 days but I’m back on track and this was my shorted relapse :slight_smile:

Good advice. Exactly what my parents told me. It’s up to me and no one can make choices for me. At least I’m up to day 5 and made it through my first day of work back from rehab with out any issues

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Thank u Nicole

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I’ve been 3 so far hopefully that one was the last. Good luck my friend

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Reach out if I can help

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You are welcome!!
How are you doing today?

Great advise! Short and sweet.

Doing well!! Back at work and haven’t drank since last Wednesday! Hard but feeling better. How about you?