Relapsed after 5 weeks longest ever and feel terrible. I

Just need to vent. I have no friends and just relapsed after 5 weeks. It was the longest I ever went and I just feel terrible. I even went on vacation with my kids had a great time sober and clean barely had cravings then I come back and do that idk what’s wrong with me.

Good work you are honestly making great progress in time and attitude. Ive fone the same shit. Dont beat yourself up you are getting to wherr u need to be slowly but surely

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Keep your head up, it sounds like you are on the right path. Staying active in recovery always helps me from turning to the drink....
Message me if you ever wanna chat about sobriety :grin::+1:

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Well... You know you don't want to be here again so hopefully that will help you keep a strong mindset!!! It is hard breaking bad habits! And so easy to fall back!! Use this and remind yourself how bad your feeling now and don't let this slow you down! If this was an easy road none of us would be here.


A relapse is nothing to be ashamed of. It is a learning opportunity. You know something that doesn't work now. Pick up the pieces and get back at it. You can do this.

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Don't beat yourself up ur here and ur honesty mean alot this is a we program not I next time u feel or have a craving come on the app reach out ..use ur experience to help someone else... it's one day at time ..u can do this

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Most of us went true the same thing didn’t be discouraged and think success is the ability to go from one failure to another without the loss of enthusiasm, spread your wings and fly again. Good luck and stay strong

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Hey Abbie. First, nothing is wrong with you. Most people relapse.

Recovery and sobriety is non-linear. Just because you drank or used again, doesn’t mean those 5 weeks weren’t valid or valuable or real.

What sticks out to me is you say you have no friends. Does that also mean you have no sober network? For me, connecting with other sober people I could learn to trust an d count on was one of the main things that kept me from relapsing

You can do this but not on your own! What are you doing to try to stay sober?