Relapse... I got sober 14 months AFTER I left rehab


I got sober 14 months AFTER I left rehab. When I was discharged, I didn't listen to any of the recommendations- go to a lot of meetings, get a sponsor, work the steps, etc. I felt that I was above all that.

WIthin a few months, I was right back to where I was before rehab. Binging on cocaine and alcohol. During this time, I was a tourist in AA. I didn't really do anything but go to a few meetings. But people there were always nice to me and tried to get to know me. I resisted and wanted to go it alone. I didn't want what they had.

I got away with several relapses, but then my consequences started to mount. I remembered a reading from the meetings that started with "Rarely have we seen a person fail that has thoroughly followed our path." For some reason, this popped in my head and I made a return.

When I showed up and raised my hand as a repeat newcomer, I was welcomed with open arms. AA was the only place in the world that people told me that they were glad to see me and please to keep coming back.

My relapse was the best thing that ever happened to me. It made me very clear that I was an alcoholic. I couldn't go it alone. I followed their direction, and haven't had to have a drink since - even when I wanted to.

Alcoholics and addicts drink and use - that's what we do left to our own devices. We always drift back that way without a sufficient substitute. I found AA to be that solution.

We don't kill our wounded. We welcome them back with open arms. We are the lucky ones who made it to this day. Many don't. I have seen way too many die of this disease.

So if you are new, used, or a retread - we have a seat saved for you!

Anyone else have experience with relapse?

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Oh yeah, several. After each one, it's more difficult to get back I should've stayed in NA after my first relapse, but it one more BRUTAL time to get back here.

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We are the fortunate ones. Many don't get the opportunity to come back.

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That's true Brett. Then there are the vast majority who will never find recovery at all. They will just suffer and/or die from this disease.


Indeed it is. I tell myself that I could die if I were to pick up. :pray:

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