Rehab pals are falling off left and right

Rehab pals are falling off left and right.

Its so frustrating and sad to see people I’ve come to care about head back into the darkness of addiction. Thankfully I’ve built a strong foundation of a clean and sober network that I can lean on and speak yo when discouraging and sad things happen. Of course I’d like to save em’ all, but it’s impossible and my own sanity/recovery has to come first. If it doesn’t, I’ll never be in a position to help somebody who’s really struggling in the future.

So grateful for a sponsor who’s in tune with me, and is guiding me through early recovery step by step.

My daughter who was in rehab, lost 3 friends there to overdoses. She kept saying what more could I have done, I feel so guilty. I reminded her that they chose to go back out. And she could choose to grieve then focus on her own sobriety. It was no accident that they used again. And it will be no accident if she stays sober