Recovery. I think normal people do not understand how

I think normal people do not understand how much work real, honest to goodness recovery is. When we kick our chemical from our lives it is hard! But then we have to re learn how to live, how to do things differently, how to view life differently, hiw to feel satisfied or deal with stress differently than we would. And be differently it is not just without the chemical to numb it, it is more of dealing with these things internally in a healthy way.

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Its sad that nobody understands what we go through in recovery or even care to understand or inform themselves. It makes it harder especially when its your own famil, but I just have to keep on the path of recovery and pray that one day they see the change and will be open to be open minded to understand.

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I've said almost this same exact thing. Our view and perspective have been forever changed. And while others may never understand, it's not for them: it's for us. Keep it up!

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Too true. That's why I'm glad for this community. It is nice to know I have a place to go where people understand some of the hard work I have to do just to be functional some days. :facepunch:

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Yeah having this community helps me feel more understood for sure. Recovery is hard work, but so worth it.