Recovery gave me wings

Recovery gave me wings. I used to literally waste away in mental institutions. Now I have a career I love and am getting my master's degree so I can move up in my field. Don't stop trying to stay sober! You can live a life you never dreamed possible! I had no clue I was this smart or capable back then. I didn't think my bipolar disorder could become manageable. But I am and it did. And it all started with sobriety. Also side note I'm 6'1" in these heels and feel unstoppable.


Thank you for sharing, so inspirational!


Thanks for sharing.

I love this photo.

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It really looks like you’re floating!! You really are an inspiration Agi

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Love this artwork and Philly and this picture and description :heart:

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So how did you do it? How did you get sober? Right now I want a drink but trying to have a sober day.

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Aw thanks for your support everybody!! Well David first I went to rehab for 30 days then I did 6 months of halfway then I came home and went to meetings every single day and the fellowship is still part of my life now. Also I kept myself super busy with a job I love. And I went back to school eventually.. that helped. You can do it don't give up!

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Thanks that means a lot