Recover in Recovery. ❤️

Took a day off to really rest and focus of self-care. Being in recovery causes me to have a “eyes on the prize” mindset. Causing my boat to go full speed ahead without stopping! Many don’t realize that relaxing, refocusing, recouping and resting are an important part of sobriety. I used to get scared that if I relax and rest, I am not putting my recovery first. I’ve discovered that’s not the case. Giving your mind and body the rest it needs is essential to recovery! Give yourself permission to do absolutely nothing, if that is what your body needs. If you feel yourself starting to run out of fuel, stop, take the time to rest and refuel. Your recovery depends on it. :heart:


Marisa, your topic is really well written! Our society has always been telling us that we must always be doing something or that somehow the people who are always really busy are either superior or lead more rewarding lives. Yet, we are always hearing about stress and how rampant it is. I, myself, have reading about some of these exact topics. I'm working on slowing down the way I eat and practicing true relaxation in my daily life. I feel that your topic is relevant to recovery, because now many of us have time on our hands and finding the best way to fill it may have to be learned. This is definitely true for me. An example is I spend a lot of my free time learning about things that pertain to my job! :roll_eyes:

Maybe this topic should be turned into a group or have its own forum?

“There is more to life than increasing its speed.”



Totally agree! absolutely Love the quote! Boredom is a big issue for those in recovery however if we find things we can enjoy like reading a good book, taking a hot bath or sitting back with your favorite ice cream with a good movie, would suffice as self-care. so many people took to alcohol and drugs to “relax” not realizing the damage they were doing!

a specific place for this topic would definitely benefit others! I wonder how to make that happen…..

It’s so good to hear someone else who prioritizes rest in their recovery! I need to constantly remind myself that it’s okay (and necessary) to just :sparkles:_exist​:sparkles: sometimes!_

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Yes girl! I love being able to just relax and exist! So much peace and growth happens when you're completely still!!

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