Recently sober again, after an off-and-on again 2 year relapse

Recently sober again, after an off-and-on again 2 year relapse. The pandemic and my surroundings are making it incredibly rough for me, but I’m glad to still be kickin’


Stay grateful! You can do it! Not sure if they have in person meetings where you are, but I would go to one or to a zoom meeting. Get a sponsor, work steps and try to meet some people on recovery. That has helped me to get a relationship with my Higher Power and to stay sober.

I’m hoping there are some in-person meetings starting back up. I went to one last night that was supposed to be on, but no one ended up showing up :joy:

Check with the the AA intergroup in your area. I use an app called Meeting Guide. Here in Houston they keep the app pretty up to date. It’s a free app and it helps me find meetings close to meet at all times and days

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Glad to hear you are back into sobriety!

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Not being able to get to in person meetings is making me want to kill people right now tbh but gotta just keeep pulsing through

Right? I was incredibly frustrated last night and all of today. Finally starting to calm down a bit

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Glad you're in a better place that you want to be in! Best to you.