Really wanting that drink right now. Trying to stay sober

Really wanting that drink right now. Trying to stay sober today. There’s only so much I can do to keep my mind and hands busy

me too.. you can do this!!

Did you drink last night Debby?

no i did not

Well you did better than I did. Today I’m trying to have a sober day

that is okay... i struggle daily too.

take an hour at a time or even a minute. the craving will pass-but ik it is really hard

Hope I’m not intruding on the conversation…just want you both to know you’re inspiring to me so take the victory, however small you might see it, in reality it’s huge and good for you!! I haven’t had a sober day yet but I drank less yesterday than usual so I’m trying to see that as a start at least. I look forward to a day when I don’t drink at all​:disappointed::pray:t3:


Hi Brandy, I’ve yet to have a sober day myself. Today is going to be a struggle for me. Just trying to keep busy on this rainy gloomy day here

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ty Brandy!

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Sending prayers your way