Really want to use but really also don't Want to

I've been clean for a long time now and I Really want to use but also really don't want to talk about it... My old sponsor says spread the word... So here it is...

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Don't use. Using will cause more problems. I'm sure you would rather wake up tomorrow knowing you didn't use the day before.

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Remember detox? Withdrawal? Losing the trust of friends and family. Losing jobs? Jail? Hospital? Psych ward? Shame? Remorse? Regret? Failure?

I can distinctly remember what handcuffs feel like. Arms behind my back in a police car. Court. Lawyer bills. CPS cases. Custody battle. Child support modification battle.

Fuck all that. That’s what I remember now whenever I get even the slightest itch.

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I lived here for the last year and a half not long after I celebrated a year a friend told me you could F*** it up real good right now but you can't fix it. Trust the process

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Thank you guys! Replys mean alot..

Communication skills help. I need someone to talk to from time to time.

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Rose colored glasses are dangerous. Take them off and remember the bad stuff, not the illusions of good

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