Really upset haven’t heard from my bf in 4 days

Really upset haven’t heard from my bf in 4 days (he’s in treatment) I don’t know what’s going on and we’ve never gone this long without talking. I can’t reach him what do I do?

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Do you know the name of his counselor? They might have info.

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I just came home from inpatient last Tuesday. I understand how you feel. My wife and I are usually together 24/7. Where I went it was very overwhelming at first and it took a few days for me to get my bearings

I’m sorry my gram called. But anyway it took me a few days. Then I couldn’t get a call until I talked with my counselor. And if your bf went four days ago. He will probably meet his counselor tomorrow or Wednesday. Be strong i don’t know you but if you guys don’t go without talking, then i believe that you are going to hear from him soon. Have faith in him. I will sa a prayer for you both. And I don’t want to upset you and I dontknow you but I know this if you guys are serious and care for each other getting help is the best choice made. Like I said theirs a process in there and policies that have to be followed for his and everybody else’s safety and well being. Like I said be patient and strong. I believe it’ll be ok. If you need any info or have any questions about treatment I don’t know all but I have been trying to get clean for 7 years. I had a Lil over six months clean this past year and hung out with the wrong people, and like I said I ended up having to go back for a second time and I’m 38 days sober today. So if I can give any help please don’t hesitate to reach out. For me that has been the biggest help and was the largest hurdle in my recovery. And like I said we don’t know each other but we’re on the same battle field. And he needs you and everybody else he can get to give support. Will def have my phone at all times if you would need. Hope some of this helps. Wish y’all the best :ok_hand:t2::two_hearts:

I called them many times no call back yet

Thanks Evan he’s actually in the CSS right now but I donno what the rules with the phone are Im just worried cuz last time he went to one of these rehabs he ran off with another woman

Oh wow. I see. Ok so the end result was that he came back. So let’s look at it in a positive way. Hopefully he learned from the stuff he’s done between then and now. I know for me that it was critical that my support ( wife and her family) understand that I wasn’t in the right mindset when being an idiot. ( talking about me not anyone else). And that they new that once I was able to get sober that I really never had the intention of hurting anyone because I’ll be honest I took off with a girl once. Not that I had a sexual want from her. It was just that I was ashamed and I personally tend to gravitate toward females not In a physical way but in the fact that growing up I had four little sisters and one of them in particular was like and still is like my best friend. And im protective over female friends and like I said I had no intentions of a physical relationship. I seen it as another friend I mean to be 100 with you my wife and I had some issues going on but I remained faithful although I did show affection towards the other woman but it was more of things were messed up( because I was using and had my priorities all mixed up) not that it’s an excuse it’s just the truth. So once I got my head right. I told my wife everything. Brutal honesty is the only way to make things good when mistakes are made. And she got honest with me as well and told me how it hurt her. It was also critical that she tell me how she felt because it allowed me to know what she needed me to do. The other thing is , and this will be hard , she was so patient and knew that I wasn’t going to stop using until I was ready and second she had to wait for me to get in the right mindset and have my priorities somewhat in better perspective before laying it on me. If she hadn’t waited it might have made the situation worse in that I already felt ashamed and guilty and was beating myself up but then to know how bad I hurt her and she held on through it all never doubting my love for her. Know I would come to my senses at some point. Her words not mine. And her handling it like that ultimately was a key factor in me becoming strong enough to win my battle. But the war rages on every day and will the rest of my life. So what I’m trying to say is in a relationship each person has two choices when faced with any problems between the two. First Choice is to say the other person is not worth it. The second decision is a choice of a commitment to :heart: that person no matter what to have and hold for better or worse sickness or health till death do you part. Even if you aren’t officially married. With we make a commitment to stay or we decide that it’s too much and the thing is when we commit we make the choice to love to find the positive in everything we have to. Because nothing comes from being negative. Except negativity and that means that evil gets to win. So I don’t know if you’re addicted to anything or have a crutch as we say but love is a choice an option a journey and which ever way you decide to go find the positive and positive things happen. Get a higher power. And it doesn’t have to be religious but Find something greater than you that is always there for you and cares and wants only the best for you. Not trying to get into religious stuff but mine is god. And I’m no christian or a st. I’m a sinner just like anyone else but I look for the positive. I look at it this way. Life is like feeling your way around in the dark. And (for me) god is the flashlight in my pocket. I’m here if needed. I’m sorry it’s so long but talking to people about this stuff is one thing that keeps me sober. So reach out and turn on the light. I hope something in here helps. Two choices. On or off. Light or dark. 🪖🪖🪖🪖:face_with_monocle::see_no_evil::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

When you're both done with treatment, and if you learn there was no good reason for him not contacting/replying to you, let him go.


Thank you

Pray about it, and him. God works miracles. Nothing in his world happens by mistake