Really breaks my spirits, when I have training with coworkers

Really breaks my spirits, when I have training with coworkers, and after they all go for drinks and I have to decline, even though I want to go and have fun. I know where it would lead, thats why I made the right choice, but still hurts.



Oh I got it. Yeah I suppose thats a big part

Can you go out with them and not drink?

Probably, but then they have to make accommodations for me, and its just weird. It always sounds good on paper. But I hear you if they were true friends they wouldn't care.

As far as me not drinking in that enviorment, never a good idea.

Being around people who are drinking annoys me now more than anything. Nothing is really as funny as drunk people think
It is.


I can be around people who drink. I don't like being around people who are drunk.

They don't have to make accommodations for you to make that happen. Everywhere that sells and serves alcohol offers non-alcoholic drinks.