Really been struggling with depression and anger issues lately

Really been struggling with depression and anger issues lately. Haven't been able to find a counselor to see if that helps or not. But it's getting pretty bad. I ended up throwing a phone charger through my wall last night, and I'm having to avoid people at work so that I don't snap on them. I'm just short of 2 months sober now, but all I can think about is drinking so that I can blunt the edge of all of this...


Phone a friend


Drinking is just gonna make it worse in the long run. Two months is awesome, that's a lot of progress.

I'd push you towards meditation and box breathing, and gratitude lists. For the first two you can start just at 2-3 minutes. It should be a good tool to change your headspace long enough to prevent an outburst.

Just don't pick up no matter what. Your brain is lying to you to convince you that's a solution. And your dopamine levels are still screwed up from drinking, you're going to start feeling better and better as time passes without drinking.

DM me if you need to talk, I'm on here every day

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Wow.. I've been feeling the same :angry: but what helps me is Good music (positive) and making it to a meeting.. Talking to one of my peeps there that understands… it's hard I know but very true what was said to you.. it will onlyake it worse.. Don't forgot what made you want to get sober in the first place :revolving_hearts:

I've also been feeling the same way especially after a divorce .I ve also been looking for a counselor or therapist and it's very frustrating sometimes but what helps me is meditation going hiking or anything that keeps my mind bbusy and going to a meeting even if its thru Zoom..hopefully this helps..

I have been sober for over a year, and I have been feeling the same way. I think there is so much to be anxious and upset about right now. Drinking won’t help. It just makes things worse.

That used to happen to me so much. I have PTSD so bursts of rage happens. But once I stopped drinking it got way worse. I used to get so angry I would punch these giant gallon water jugs full of water and broke through them. Or I would throw big glass cups to the ground really hard (I would have no one home and my dog safely in the yard or room). Im usually a really chill and patient persoj but sometimes when you detox you get really angry. Its okay to be upset, youre going through hard change. I used to do kickboxing which really helped me and I was exercising so its good for me. But with the events in the world I had to stop. I suggest to let yourself be mad. Being mad is part of your emotions and its healthy to express it! Maybe just try to keep track of it like how it sounds you are. Exercising can really help, like a cardio exercise. Dont try to hold it in until you blow up cause it makes it worse. Maybe try to express whats stressing you out to someone. Or if you want to rage out, try to do it in a safe way like punching a pillow or ripping up thick wads of paper. Idk, just some suggestions. But youre definetly not alone on the feeling angry, I think its part of healing.