Ready to quit all bad habits

So I told my husband I wanted to quit nicotine yesterday as well. He told me he doesn’t think it’s the right time for me to be quitting everything or I won’t have any coping mechanisms and will fall back into my addiction.

I’m basically looking at it like I’m trying to kick my addiction and everything bad for me so I thought now would be a good time to. I have a therapy appt next week so I’m confident enough I won’t need nicotine either anymore. I’m working on getting healthy and I want to quit nicotine to help feel better physically as well but I feel like he’s just going to keep buying me nicotine products without me so I’ll feel bad and use it so it’s not a waste of money. Is he right that I shouldn’t quit nicotine too or how do I tell him I’m done done?

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It will be hard to give it all up at once, but you can do it.

Personally I gave up alcohol first and then a month or so later i quit tobacco. Try vaping and then cutting it down til you're done

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I held out to quite smoking after a year 33 year

A bad habit Is very easy to learn but hard to break. As long you know it's a bad habit you better quite from it even with the fact your husband can still be buying you don't forget you own yourself and if anything bad happens you're the one to lose it all.

Tia, you can do it! I quite the following addictions:

  1. Meth
  2. Alcohol
  3. Tobacco
  4. Caffeine
  5. Sugar!
  6. Junk food!
    3 & 4 I did them within 30 days of 1 & 2. Caffeine I’m down to like maybe a matcha latte once in awhile. No coffee. Switched to herbal tea caffeine free.
    No added sugar for the most part of my diet. I do indulge once in awhile.
    I’m exercising daily. I eat super healthy and learning about gut health. Healthy gut health mind. Healthy mind happy stomach. It’s all connected. Keep up the good work! You’re on the right path! You can do it! Stay focused and don’t let anyone bring you down or tell you what you can do. It’s all in how we talk to ourselves. Positive self talk.
    Happy sobriety

It will be incredibly hard to give all addictions up at once. The body reacts differently chemically to different substances and the withdrawals that come from each of those are different. Forcing your body through that all at once is not good health wise. Think of it like needing to loose weight. You might want to drop your goal of 30lbs in 2 weeks, and perhaps you could work really hard and do it, but it’s not a healthy approach and leads to most of that weight coming back on because of how it was lost. I would highly suggest focusing on your sobriety first, and once you get 90 days to 6 months of sobriety, then assess if you think you can stop smoking. You have an addictive personality, so it’s nearly impossible to think you won’t replace one addition with another, but if you do it over time, you can do it healthier.