Reading Recovery by Russell Brand. A good read

Reading Recovery by Russell Brand. A good read.


Agreed! Great book for those new to recovery. I really enjoyed how he walks the reader thru the twelve steps in non-1934ish lingo. I’m not a Big Book hater at all; in fact I love the Big Book. But his perspective on the 12 steps is refreshing.


What did you enjoy most about this book, Samantha?

I like how he describes his approach, experience, and results in each of the 12 steps. He's Raw, relatable, and adds his flare of humor. I enjoy how he explains the 12 steps, it's in a way I can easily understand. He also included worksheets yo help woth self reflection and explains how in Revovery, we are uncovering our true selves again, it's a refreshing perspective. His Podcast " under the skin" is also a good listen when driving or doing things around the house.

I wanted to read this looks good

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I reccomend it. It's a nice change up from the original 12 steps. Same steps just explained in a raw, modernized tone. It's on Audible also if you prefer to listen instead of actually read.

This is great. Appreciate you sharing. Definitely gonna check it out

Thank you for the suggestion.

Thanks for the suggestion, Samantha. I'm always trying to find ways to stay busy and this feels like an awesome read plus it's something I can relate to and use for my sobriety.
Stay positive and keep strong😊

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It is a good book!

I’m reading it now too. I like most of it and have recommended it to several in my home group

I loved reading this book