Question: Why are there so many of us?

Question: Why are there so many of us?


Because alcohol and drugs are addicting.


Because it's really easy to use substances to cover up for an emotional issue, become dependent on them, then when that stops working, we chase a "solution" that doesn't work anymore. It's a really simple, common trap to fall into and it's very difficult to get out. It's almost impossible to do alone. That's why one addict sharing with another is so powerful.


I’m here to understand how my other half’s mind works. How addiction works. I want to understand.

Because we're all stubborn and think we're right :wink:. Who here didn’t convince themselves at one point or another that they could think their way out of this disease.


We were taught using drugs and drinking was cool, unfortunately.

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Cause we are the true breed!!!! Especially to help the ones that really need the help because we have been there and done that

It’s such a huge part of society and daily life for so many people. That combined with an attitude of “I can do whatever I want whenever I want” is what keeps me coming back to the bottle.

Rosalind, that’s a great question. For me, I believe it’s because society has become less spiritual, malnourished and selfish. I’m not saying all of society. We also like to control things that are out of our control. Society is uneducated on health. Just to name a few.
Now that we are willing to take our own inventory we now can assess ourselves in a more productive way towards the greater good of modern society. The first thing we do is admit we have a problem. Then we turn our lives over to a power greater then ourselves, in my case, God. Now we can help spread the message of sobriety, spirituality and acts of kindness to others who are willing to listen. And for those who aren’t there yet, we treat them the same as if they were willing. With love. We now have a purpose in our own individual lives.
Stay sober my friend. This path is the next best right thing. 

It’s genetic

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Because everybody hurts and not everybody intuitively knows how to cope

Because I can’t even spell moterdaytion


Second that! Maybe there is a silent "L"

Alcohol is a drug that is easily abused and culturally it’s a significant part of our everyday lives. This country tends to over indulge in everything we do, that includes alcohol. Mix in other factors such as predisposition, mental health and trauma and you have a ticking time bomb on millions of new addicts a year.