Question, is one drink considered a relapse? Even if it's

Question, is one drink considered a relapse? Even if it's one and done, like you can control it, even if before you couldn't. Would anyone not consider this a relapse? Why or why not?

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Some would call it a relapse. I would call it a slip. As long as you catch yourself.


I can never have just one. Sure I could have a drink and then stop. But then the next day or the next week I’ll be so proud of myself for just having one, that I’ll have another. That’s the way it works for an alcoholic like me.


Both are great answers , you can decide what you want to call it, but technically it is a slip. Relapse is when your in recovery 12 months or better and go back to using and stay out and return to where you use to be in our last tumor worst,

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In our last run


For me it would be a relapse, there would be no catching or controlling it. I would die drunk or stoned. I do not have another get clean in me. So yes I would consider this a relapse.


Yes for you if you stay out using yes it is

One drink is a slip. If you fall into a pattern of drinking everyday then it’s relapse. Beating yourself up over a slip is the worst thing you can do. The guilt can make you return to habitual drinking and then it becomes a relapse. Just forgive yourself and try your hardest to not slip again, but don’t beat yourself up over it.


The problem with me is that when I take that first sip or beer or drug I never know how many I'm gonna have or where I'm going to end up that's my take on a relapse or a slip

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The question is did you drink one drink and stop? If you haven't tried to see I wouldn't risk it. Most of us are here because when it comes to alcohol...we a like pringles. Once we pop, we can't stop.


I'm going to remember that Pringle analogy! For this addict one is never enough of anything. It sends my train of thought right to, "I CAN HANDLE THIS :bulb:! I'M ALL BETTER!". It just spirals from there. I can't open up that possibility but it is you and your choice. Stay safe and be strong :muscle: :v:.


sobriety is a personal struggle and everyone's program is really comes to one question.what do you believe the answer to your question is?


Yes, it builds back up until you're right back where you started.


I believe it really depends on the individual. If you can have one and done that's great, some alcoholics it's always a "just one more" mentality, which is what I was struggling with. Personally for me just one beer after work is good but I have to have someone hold me accountable. Either that or I drink non alcoholic beer, but that can be dangerous too, for when you have one with no alcohol, it could push you to have one WITH alcohol.

I won't rehash what has already been said. I will just add this. Whether you call it a relapse or a slip, I think most would say you should reset your clock. So that week, month, year, etc just became a day. Just remember, you may just be playing semantics games with yourself, but you are still playing games. That's how alcoholics wake up one day asking “how the hell did this happen…?”

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If you need someone else to hold you accountable after 1 then you pretty much answered your own question.

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If it’s unintentional, that could be considered a slip. If you drank it as a choice, my sponsor would say relapse.

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One of the biggest parts of sobriety is accountability and if we give that away then we will end up back on the same destructive path

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Exactly why I would rather just stay away all together. Sometimes I think just one beer wouldn't hurt but I know in the long run I would just go back to where I started.