Question how do any of you handle being invited somewhere where there is going to be alcohol? Do you go and hope for the best or what I think maybe for my best interest. I shouldn't go. I have to get to a healthy me 1st right or am I wrong?
I Did not go anywhere where there was drinking my first year
Thank you for your response I didn't think I should either
I didn't go anywhere where there was alcohol the whole first year
I haven't gone anywhere with alcohol in 2 years. I'm just not comfortable with being around it. Plus as a sober person, intoxicated people are extremely irritating. Lol
I go places with alcohol but only if I have to. I usually take someone with me that doesn’t drink or that will make sure I don’t drink. It is irritating tho.
Have a plan. Think of every scenario and plan your way out . Enlist those you trust to help. Depends on the situation. I went to a comedy show with some friends last weekend. I sat as close to the door as possible. Went with two friends who I knew would not drink around me. I was going to being my own car so I could leave if I was tempted and not ruin their time but my sister offered to come get me if need be. With that said, I considered all these things and I haven't been tempted to drink at all. So if you are honest with yourself and know you are not at that point yet. Don't go. There's no right time limit. Everyone is different but I wouldn't rush out to go to events with alcohol.
Have a good day. Good luck with everything.
To thine own self be true. If you are uncomfortable around alcohol dont go. Do you have a sponsor yet. If not get one.
In my world there is always alcohol. Very difficult but gets easier with time. I love waking up the next day feeling good and remembering what happened the night before. You do what you feel is best for you. Best of luck on your journey
Some can go and not have trouble in early sobriety, it took me a while. I had to learn to cope while in a tempting situation, or I would never go to another family function.
1- When in doubt, or if you're not comfortable, don't go. It's ok.
2- always take your own vehicle so you have a way out of things get uncomfortable.
3- always keep a drink -soda, water, whatever- in your hand. People are less likely to try to give you a drink if you already have one. Double fist if necessary
4- Take a sober buddy/accountability buddy and/or keep folks on speed dial.
5- it's ok to go and make an appearance, then leave after you've said hello or had a conversation with a few people. After folks get drink they won't remember when you left, but they'll remember seeing you there.
Lastly, stay prayed up, if you do that kind of thing.
It's possible to be social with certain boundaries in place. Know yourself and trust your gut. Good luck!
I tend to get invited to events that I know will have substances I don't want to be around. I just don't go.
No not yet
I love this thank you
I’m in the same boat. I’m a chef/F&B director. There’s always booze around. I was hyper vigilant at first but have become accustomed to it being around and me not touching it.