Question everyone who reads this

Question everyone who reads this. How can I meet trustworthy people when I can’t seem to find one?

First thing I thought was do you trust yourself? I can't find one either. Course I'm not really looking cuz, well a few reasons. Really good reasons but idk. I'm realizing being alone will accrual be less lonely then it has my whole life. And when I looking for something is when I won't find it. Maybe this question is on your mind so you can build trust with yourself. O n I know it's all so cliche n stupid n I really hate most everything about most all of getting sober. Idk y we got fucked with being addicts n the horrible terrifying hole that literally anything sucks less then but but shit don't stuff people in the hole because they are "good" or clean or trustworthy. Idk. No one seems to have an answer n you say yourself you can't seem to find one. Work on your trust for yourself n you'll be a magnet for trustworthy ppl where ever you go

Not trying to come across rude but this is the easiest way I know to say this. Don't go to a landfill looking for a diamond. If all you find are people who can't be trusted then change where you are looking.

For me it wasn't about looking for trust in others but trusting myself. Trust is something that is given to others.i do have people in my life that aren't trustworthy with certain things. so I don't give them the power to effect me in a negative way.