Pushing forward. How do you stay positive?

It helps to make a gratitude list, even if it’s for the little things , and even if there aren’t a lot to write down at first . But if you do this every day , you’ll find that the list gets bigger . It’s helped me when I first started , and still does . Best wishes .

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Self-hatred is part of the disease of alcoholism.
You hate yourself when you’re drinking and you hate yourself when you’re not. Both have their own reasons. But do not regret the past, only let it guide you forward with courage in your heart


How do I stay positive? Personally, I do what millions of others have done and I joined a 12 Step fellowship. I'm an addict and had "trouble" with both drugs and alcohol. Today, I go to NA meetings and have a sponsor. Together we work the 12 Steps. I also have a support group of other recovering addicts. I try to call other recovering addicts every day. I attend meetings regularly. Three and a half years ago I had a jarring and painful relapse. So in addition to everything I have mentioned, I now talk to a therapist once a week. This time around, I decided to take as many of the suggestions that were made to me. It's working and working pretty well! I have a three years, 5 months and 18 days clean and sober. I have people in my life who really care about me and want to see me succeed. Sometimes they might even ask me for my opinion as well; recovery is a two-way street in that sense. I can learn something from a person who has one day clean or sober. When I see those who are "still out there" using or getting loaded, I know that it's not getting any better. Recovery is the best thing that's ever happened to me. Thank-you.

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Thank you for sharing that John. Your time clean and sober is inspiring!

Absolutely true

It's not all to easy to face reality and stop dreaming of changing the past and how nice my life would be to have never lost anything, but it's all wishful thinking and regrets, and to be honest, the way of the devil and that's what makes it easy for me to not miss it at all no matter how lousy my life is now with God.

Melissa I'm reminded about how bad I was and how everybody including myself hurt I'm not going to put them or myself through that again

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Here for you if you want to talk

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I stay active in my recovery and try to reach out and talk to other people struggling :slight_smile: that's how I fight this battle every day

Thank you Larry. I might take you up on the offer next time I need to think through some things.

I'm 3 1/2 years sober and I remember what it was like which gives me the drive to be a better man. I can't change what I did but I have the courage to change what I am doing today. Sounds like you are doing just fine. Keep pressing forward. Willingness is the key. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Happy to help and hear from you

I stay positive by remembering where I was, what caused me to medicate, digging up and dealing with what caused me to medicate myself. Having a relationship with myself and God not only helps, but sustains me.
Sometimes a good old-fashioned cry works the best! Whatever you do, DON'T GIVE UP ON YOURSELF!!!! Please.:pray::two_hearts:

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