Productivity & Alcohol

How was your work/career productivity improved since you've been sober?

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I don't call off and miss days like i used to. Im more focused and do a better job performance than I ever did. Used to be hungover high and trashed and still managed to get the job done. I'm lucky I didn't get fire. 2 years sober and the entire quality of my life has changed. Thx to AA

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Rephrase the question to “how has not poisoning yourself daily helped your work productivity “

This is awesome. Do you use your PTO or do you find it difficult to do? I'm one of those folks that find it difficult to use PTO because I don't know what the future will hold. :woozy_face:

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I've was the same way. Its there and we earned it. I've started using it. I try and only v take it when i need to.

I had two jobs at my worst, I worked/work at a bank and I was a head brewer/part owner of a brewery i started. I worked through my bank shift with out a drop... and when I got to the brewery 5 minutes away. Instantly started drinking to get myself In brewing mind set, which I thought I needed but I was really masking my dislike for my busy life and hurt. I never drank before my banking job because I knew if I lost the stability and benefits of that job(I’ve been there for 12 years) I’d lose a lot more than just my marriage and time with my son, I’d lose my son all together. The brewery was what I wanted until I lost my marriage. Now being sober, I realize I’m lucky. I got help even though I lost 6 months with my son getting treatment but I still have my banking job. my benefits. My time with my son. not poisoning myself has been the best thing. July 2020. In Florida, went back to Florida in October for mental health because of the Dry drunk depression. Now the real challenge is just working from home. That’s why I’m glad this app exists :grin: