Problem & Solution

What's an issue you've experienced in sobriety and how did you solve it?

I've had lots of problems to deal with in sobriety. The first thing I do is I don't panic. Then I've got to just slow my thinking down, good ideas never happen with my brain racing in all kinds of directions. I break it down into simple steps. What is my problem, what is my goal, and what do I need to do to get started on a solution. I build from there, one brick at a time. Above all, I trust God of my understanding to give me the direction and tools I need. The more problems get solved, the more I trust. With God in control, I feel like I could walk through fire now.

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I didn't want to be an extrovert. I knew I had to surround myself with other sober people. So I did. I would not be here today without my support system.

Issues, ok was learning that I’m responsible for keeping my side of the street clean, but not responsible for what people thought of me……freedom