Positive Habits 🌟

What positive habits did you engage in today?

I prayed, ate breakfast (most cases I don't), brushed my teeth, and offered myself of service to someone.

What positive habits have you engaged in or will engage in today? Drop 'em below!


I prayed, journaled through some stressors instead of numbing myself, made a list of intents for today instead of just going through my habits and feeling like I can actually face the week instead of wanting to run from it.

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I attended an AA meeting.

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You're killing it today.

List of intents? Tell me more. What does that involve?

How was it?

Focus on the good instead of dwelling on the past.... there's a reason why they call it the present day. Be happy for today it's a present (a gift)


It was good, abstinence based recovery discussion.

I fed my squirrels today, all 6 of them a healthy diet of walnuts. Also attended a AA meeting and had fellowship with my housemates (I live at a sober living community) and I cleaned up the property after the lawn service left

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To carry the message to other alcoholics.


I made a meeting, called my sponsor, and am doing some work.


I did my spiritual readings. Made the bed sent birthday greetings to my sponsee. And got my breakfast at mcds


The present truly is. Many don’t see. I want to seize the opportunities.

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Fellowship and servitude are key components of sobriety. Keep up the great work.

Way to give back! Share what you know.

What kind of work?

I love McDonald’s hot cakes. What do you order for breakfast?

Agreed. I'm trying to do this every day even if I need that reminder more than once. I'm here, alive and healthy... thinking about the past just reminds me of wasted time and that does no good at all. Time is a beautiful gift. Thank you for that :yellow_heart::v:.


I got my work done early, went for a long walk without a leg brace on my right for the first time since June and drove for the first time since June :grin:. Felt so good. Getting back to independence after major surgeries last Oct. Now to tackle the left :crossed_fingers:.

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This is fabulous. I know how you feel about walking and driving. I sprained my knee back in December. It’s still a little stiff but I was excited when I was able to walk and drive again.

I call it creating habits of benefit !