Positive Addictions

What positive addictions have you replaced harmful substance use with?

I like to use balance and moderation or trying to attain that throughout everything in my life. Try a new hobby or try something you've always wanted to do but never could.

Sweeping :broom:, I find it is relaxing and therapeutic not to mention good for the floors!

This is a good question I’ve been thinking about myself!! I’m thinking of trying cbd oil. Anyone tried this before??

Mick, cleaning is a great form of maintaining mindfulness!!

Right? It’s the double edge sword of how we are. We can choose to be addicted for the benefit of ourselves.

Yes I like CBD for recovery after workouts. It’s a non psychoactive so you can’t get high off of it in the traditional sense. Some CBD is better than others

What is something new you have tried? For me it’s actually following a bed time schedule!

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