Pharmakia And Spirits abuse, lost, spiritually lost, no normal life,

Pharmakia And Spirits abuse, lost, spiritually lost, no normal life, good person with bad luck , and afraid of what I was. No hope ,still dabbling, and still hold onto faith love and.. .. but nothing is changing. I'll travel to you for sobriety. Open to anything but negative suffering down for self discipline. Much love


I sent this to you in another post so this is a double response Jared.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. What you do with it is up to you. Deleting the app is not going to change anything for you. You're wrong when you say you have nothing to live for. What you're doing is giving in and taking the easy way out.

I know that sounds harsh but I've been there and I know what it feels like to take the easy way. There's a great life out there for you waiting to be lived but you have to make the decision that you're going to start right here where you're at right now. If you can't take things a day at a time without picking up a drink then maybe you should consider a detox facility.

Alcohol addiction is feeding you a bunch of lies and putting all this garbage in your head. I don't know you personally but I can tell you that you are better than that. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and tell yourself that you are better than this. When you get up tomorrow morning you should start getting to AA meetings immediately. Get some phone numbers and use them. If you can't go a day without picking up or drink then I think you should seriously consider treatment. I don't like to sound too harsh.

I just want you to be able to experience life the way I have experienced it since I got clean.

This link will help you find meetings. Great app with numbers and directions.
No excuses! Get out there and turn your life around. Mine was not a textbook recovery. I was in 17 treatment centers and countless detox facilities before I finally got the program. If I can do it, anyone can do it.

Reach out to me anytime. (SOBER)
I've been at this a long time.

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