Permanent solution to temporary problem

A good friend of mine lost her 17 year old son to suicide last night. Heartbroken. Gutted. I planned to hijack my meeting tonight but couldn’t muster up the words.

He was a great kid. I am angry. I am sad. I feel helpless and afraid for my own kids who are only a couple years younger than he was. But I’m sober. And I wouldn’t do anybody any good if I wasn’t.

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My heart breaks for your friend. I can't imagine how she feels now.

Continue to be there for your kids. Help them with everything possible. Let them know no matter what you love them. Make sure they're constantly surrounded by those who love them. Make sure that it's OK to admit they need help.

I'm relieved you're staying sober despite the situation. It's good your friend can lean on you through all this.

Always shocking - sorry to hear this news.

I’m so sorry for your pain and grief. Hold on to what you have and keep coming back, no matter what

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