Passion / Vision I was listening to one of my mentors

Passion / Vision
I was listening to one of my mentors today talk about “Passion”. You may have been told to run out and find your passion ! Like it’s hiding somewhere? What he shared. Really made me think how do you develop passion? He gave me the answer it is through “Vision”. What he said answered some of the questions I had about growing up. When asked. At a young age what do you want to be when you grow up? I really didn’t know but was almost embarrassed to admit this. You see my childhood was one of survival. Living day to day was the focus. I didn’t have time to think about what I wanted in life. I admired my friends who could say with confidence what they wanted to be when they became adults. I would say something just so I didn’t look odd. What my mentor shared today helped me understand why I had no answer back then. He said passion is not something you find like a treasure hunt. He said when you have it you will know it. He said that passion comes from having a Vision. This vision creates a stirring an excitement inside. But what if you don’t have a vision? No problem he said there are people who we call visionaries that create and then there are those who volunteer to help bring the vision to reality. You may be one or the other or both. Whether you create or help the vision. The work you put in develops passion. I have always been someone who would help someone develop their vision. I loved seeing people succeed. Maybe that explain why I became a counselor. I have things I would like to do and if I get to them or not I’m ok. I enjoy helping others discover their own passion. I have shared with my clients my retirement plan. Plan A & B. Plan B is to buy a Hot Dog cart find a nice corner sell hot dogs and play my guitar. Plan A start a blues band with my brothers we were brought up with a father who was a musician. Have something to look forward to that keeps the vision alive! Find out what makes you come alive! Create a vision or come along side of someone who has a worthy cause. There is a proverb that says “people perish because of lack of vision”. I know who I am today the one who encourages others. The visionary needs the volunteer and the volunteer needs the visionary. John Castro
Have a Great Week!

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